How Do I Renew my Advert?

We will send you an email notification that your property ad is about to expire. You can renew your ad as follows:

  1. From the Home page, click on the 'Manage Ad' button to go the ad summary page
  2. Click on the 'Renew Ad' button
  3. Choose the Ad Package duration you require and and follow the payment process

Your ad will be sent to our ad moderation team before it's published. They will review it and we will send you an email notification when it's been published.

As soon as your ad has been approved, we will publish it to Rightmove immediately and you can find a link to your ad on your Manage Ad page.

We send ads to Facebook Marketplace and our other advertising partners every evening so it will usually appear within 1 business day.

More help: Letting Your Property