How Do I View a Tenant Credit Check?

A Tenant Credit Check will be created as soon as the report has been paid for and usually take around 5 seconds to generate.

Landlord Buys Report

When you buy a Credit Report, your profile will automatically be connected to the tenant which allows you to see their entire profile.

To see the Credit Report:

  1. Go to the Letting tab
  2. In the Tenant Credit Checks panel, choose the relevant report

You can also access them from the order - go to Account page and click on the order in the Orders panel.

Tenant Buys Report

If the tenant has bought the report, you can view it as long as you are connected to them. To connect to a tenant:

  1. Go to My Profile
  2. Go to the Connections tab
  3. Click on the Find People button and search for the tenant
  4. Click on the Connect button to create a connection to the tenant
  5. Go to the Credit Report section of the tenant's profile to see the report


More help: Letting Your Property